TIL SCHWEIGER - Fotoshooting by D.Kempke
Til Schweiger at Heynstudios. Shot by Det Kempke for Hörzu campaign.

FRANK DELLÉ - Covershooting by T.Pohlmann
Behind the szene of today´s Frank Dellé (Seeed) cover-shooting at Heynstudios Berlin! It was a pleasure to work with such a great team!...

BARILLA from PARMA (IT) - visit the Heynhöfe for a production
TODAY PASTA-TIME! Barilla and Bubbles-Film are cooking and filming at Heynstudios these days. Barilla Bubbles Film

SPRINGER SHOOTING - Photoproduction with Det Kempke
SPRINGER SHOOTING - Photoshoot for a German newspaper about the current topic "German Unity 25 years" by Det Kempke. Making Off by Det K....
DR.OETKER - Videoproduction by BBDO
Dr.Oetker "kleine Kuchen" Commercial Videoproduction by BBDO at the Heynstudios for the german market.

APPLE INC. - Videoproduction for the Apple Watch
Apple Inc. has made their video of the Apple Watch at the Heynstudios. Among other Berlin spots, the Heynhöfe were one filming location....

RUPERT FRIEND - Shooting with Frank Bauer for the Guardian Weekend
​ The british actor Rupert Friend, currently filming Homeland season 5 in Berlin, photographed for Guardian Weekend by Frank Bauer. See...

TOYOTA - Videoproduction by Markenfilm GmbH & Co.KG
Videoproduction at the Heynstudios by Markenfilm with the new Toyota "Vize" for the Asian Market.

BOOKMAN - Photo & Videoproduction
"GRAND COLLECTION" BY TINO POHLMANN Right at the peak of the cycling season Bookman is bringing a collection through the lens of the...